How To Add Subtitles To YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn Videos
by VideoTranslator Support| Jun 06, 2021
How To Add Subtitles To YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn Video

Hello lovely people!

Welcome back to VideoTranslator support where we will be telling you the tips and tricks regarding the media and translation world.

In the previous post, we have written about how you can create, import, and edit SRT files.

This time, we will be explaining how you can add subtitles to your YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn video.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

Adding Subtitles To YouTube Videos

Have you ever been on noisy public transport rides and struggled to watch your favorite YouTuber’s video? Well, that’s because the video has no subtitles.

Having subtitles to your video will help a great deal of people, especially deaf or hard-of-hearing viewers.

Most of the time, people do not like adding subtitles because it takes a lot of time and effort to do so.

YouTube tried to solve this problem by generating automatic captions.

Automatic Captions

If automatic captions are available, YouTube will automatically generate captions.


Currently, automatic captions are available in Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

However, it is highly encouraged that you add professional captions first.

Automatic captions will not be accurate due to many different reasons. It can be because of mispronunciations, accents, dialects, or background noise.

Adding Professional Captions and Subtitles

To add professional captions and subtitles on YouTube, you want to follow the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account and go to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Subtitles.
  3. Select the video that you would like to edit.
  4. Click add language
  5. Select your language.
  6. Choose either Title & description or Subtitles, click add.

If you choose to add subtitles, there are 3 ways to do that - uploading a file, type manually, or auto-translate.

Adding Subtitles By Uploading A File

In the previous post, we did explain to you how you can create your subtitle file. If you already have your file ready, you can easily upload your file on YouTube!

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click subtitles > add.
  2. Select Upload File.
  3. Choose between With Timing or Without Timing, then select Continue.
  4. Choose a file to upload.
  5. Select Save.

Adding Subtitles By Typing Manually

If you do not have your SRT file, don’t worry. YouTube allows you to manually add it.

Here’s how you can manually add your subtitles:

  1. Click subtitles > add.
  2. Click type manually.
  3. Type your subtitles in the caption box and adjust the timing.
  4. If you want to download your subtitles into an SRT file, you can click on the 3 horizontal dots next to the ‘edit as text’ writing and click download subtitles.
  5. When you are done, click publish.

Adding Subtitles By Auto Translate

Although English is widely spoken and understood, many people are not comfortable watching video content in English. So, to accommodate viewers who speak another language, you may choose to auto-translate your videos.

To do this, you have to:

  1. Click subtitles > add.
  2. Click auto-translate.
  3. Your subtitles will be automatically translated.

Note: This method works based on YouTube’s technology to automatically translate your videos. If you understand the target language, you will still need to edit the auto-translated subtitles to ensure the accuracy of the translation.

Adding Subtitles To Facebook Videos

Facebook now has a tab called Watch where you can watch video content on Facebook. This tab is very addicting and you can easily spend hours scrolling through it.

Unlike YouTube, you can set a preference where the videos you’re watching on Facebook are automatically muted until you change the preference.

So, how can you intrigue the interest of viewers who have their video muted? Well, the answer is by adding subtitles.

To add subtitles on Facebook, you have to do the following:

  1. Click Photo/Video at the top of your timeline or News Feed.
  2. Choose a video from your computer, then click upload.
  3. Click video options and click add captions. Here, you can choose whether you want to upload your own file or have your video captions auto-generated.
  4. If you choose to upload your captions, click the upload tab and select an srt file from your computer. Click upload.
  5. Click Save.

Naming Your Facebook SRT File

Facebook is quite strict when it comes to naming your SRT file.

So, you need to make sure that your SRT file has been properly named.

The naming format that Facebook prefers is:

filename.[language code]_[country code].srt

Language and country codes are case-sensitive. Language needs to be in lower case and the country needs to be in upper case.

For example, a United Kingdom English file would look like:

You can find the language and country code list here.

Adding Subtitles To LinkedIn Videos

Although LinkedIn is not a popular site to share videos, there is no reason why you can’t share one.

If you happen to be sharing a video on LinkedIn, having subtitles will make your video stand out.

You can add subtitles to your LinkedIn videos by doing the following:

  1. Click the Video icon from your share box.
  2. Select your video and click upload.
  3. Click Edit in the top right corner to view your video’s settings.
  4. If you scroll down, you will be able to find ‘Video Caption File (SRT Only)’. Click select caption.
  5. Select your SRT file and click upload. When you are finished, you can click done.


In this article, we have discussed how you can add subtitles to your YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn videos.

It’s easy, isn’t it!

Now that you are an expert, why don’t you try VideoTranslator to transcribe, translate and dub your video? Read how you can conveniently translate your video here.

For more information regarding VideoTranslator, do not hesitate to contact us at

See you next time for more educational blog posts!

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