Is Your AI Talking Back?
by VideoTranslator Support| Jul 02, 2022
Is Your AI Talking Back, A Conversation With The CIO Show

In a very exciting turn of events, a Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, claimed that an AI he was working on had achieved sentience.

“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” the 41-year-old Lemoine told The Washington Post.

This was obviously quite a provocative claim, as ZeroHedge reported.


All in all, quite exciting. For completeness, here is the ‘official’ response from the folks at Google, published by the Economist.

It’s well worth a look and is a pretty interesting read from Blaise Agüera y Arcas, who was Blake’s manager at Google.

CIO Show

The CIO Show, a podcast hosted by David Binning of CIO Magazine, reached out to VideoTranslator and UNSW to get a lighthearted podcast going, where we spoke about this incident and what it means for the future of Human Computer Interfaces, using AI bots to get out of doing work, and where the future might be heading.

Professor Julien Epps, from UNSW - who is Head of School at the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications joined Tat Banerjee, Founder/CEO of VideoTranslator to walk through some of these topics.

Thank you so much David and Julien for including us in your conversation.

If you get a chance to have a listen, it is well worth the time, especially the bits about how AI can help solve problems that cannot be solved any other way.



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