How To Use Auto Overlay To Simplify Transcription
by Tat Banerjee| Mar 03, 2019
How To Use Auto Overlay To Simplify Transcription

We got this video from OSL Brokerage’s LinkedIn page. We are not suggesting that we have any relationship with OSL, and largely, we are using this content to demonstrate the process by which video content can be translated.

This specific video already has captions, so we don’t need these per se. However, we will be adding Chinese captions as an overlay, as opposed to captions.

The final output is shown below. The video covers news in a specialist topic, so the translation below is not accurate, but will be close. I have yet to meet an AI that understands the word 'Ethereum'. Additionally, the stripe shown in the video has not been optimised, it cuts 1/2 way through so that the process makes sense. In practise, you would edit further to make it look nice.

< youtube id=“68xlFq3iKyA” caption=“OSL: Chinese captions + blue overlay” >


  1. Please direct your browser to, and then click on the Login button. On successfully logging into the application, select the template, and using the highlighted button, Edit Template: myTemplate.
  2. Check your template has the languages we need, English, and Chinese.
  3. Upload the video, and trigger the transcription action. In this case, the speaker has a generic English accent, and often the best option here is to use either American English or British English. In the below, we used the American English. Note, its a reasonable bet that the AI does not understand terms like Ethereum, so always get a subject matter expert to eyeball the results.
  4. Now, because we have the captions, trigger a translation to Chinese. In this case, we choose to translate into Simplified Chinese.
    Trigger the Translation from English to Simplified Chinese
  5. This give us the following output. It works, but is not exactly very good because this video already had captions. Note, this is just an AI - much like the above step, please have a subject matter expert eyeball the content and fix it up. Many of the words used in this context are specific, and it is a reasonable bet the AI will make mistakes. Please watch the video below.
  6. How do we make this better? We use the Auto-Overlay function. Trigger the auto-overlay, and in this case, select the stripe option, as shown below.
    OSL: Changing Captions -> Overlays
  7. This is the resulting output. You can see that this is obviously NOT optimised, but both the Chinese overlay, and the original captioning can be seen for demonstration purposes.


In this blog post we have covered how to add an audio overlay into your content. Please note, Video Translator makes no representation of a relationship with OSL Brokerage, we are simply using a publicly available content to do marketing on, because it allows us to showcase an interesting use case of the product.

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