AI Dubbing: What Different Dialects Of English Sound Like
by Tat Banerjee| Oct 20, 2019
AI Dubbing: What Different Dialects Of English Sound Like

Today we are going to look AI dubbing and look at a few different samples of what an AI can sound like in English. We are going to do something pretty simple, we will use the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog for our seed text.

If you don’t know what this sentence is, quoting from Wikipedia, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is an English-language pangram—a sentence that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. It is commonly used for touch-typing practice, testing typewriters and computer keyboards, displaying examples of fonts, and other applications involving text where the use of all letters in the alphabet is desired. Owing to its brevity and coherence, it has become widely known.

So we are going to use it as a simple sample and use our AI to speak (text-to-speech AI) this sentence out and listen to the differences.

A few of the English dialects are provided below. To try the others (for FREE!) sign up to the free trial and give it a go!


  1. First, as per our usual create a new item using the English language template. We called our new item simple3 and it looks like below. All the action is going to happen in our Audio component shown below.
    AI Dubbing: Select the English Template and create and new Item
  2. Use the add caption to add a caption, The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This is shown below. Then click the save button.
    AI Dubbing: Add the test string into the caption
  3. Note that normally this would come from the video transcription, but we are just putting in the text and getting the AI to speak it out.
  4. Nice! Now, we are going to use the Action -> Transcribe -> Text-To-Speech as shown below.
    AI Dubbing: Select your preferred voice to speak out the text fragment
  5. What is happening here? The S/P designation refers to Standard / Professional. The F/M refers to Female / Male, and the country code refers to the accent.

This is essentially the entire process, pick a dialect and click Accept to trigger the Text-To-Speech AI.


  1. English (Australian) Female
  2. English (Australian) Male
  3. English (India) Female
  4. English (India) Male

Are you keen to hear more? Would you like to hear how an English (UK) or English (US) AI sounds? Well - go on then, give the video translator a shot!


In this visual guide, we used our video translator to dub a sample text fragment.

Would you like to try this functionality? Send us some feedback if you do.

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