Using machine learning for the greater good; advances in medicine, agriculture and saving lives, is there anything we can't do with the help of artificial intelligence?
by Renee Dubé| Nov 10, 2019
The Weekly Roundup 12/11/19

It’s another AI focused week and with so much going on in the world of Artificial Intelligence, can you blame us? The field of medicine and science have long been advocates of using AI for the greater good and it appears there are some incredible trail blazers helping to make that happen.

1. A Star Professor—And Her Radical, AI-Powered Plan To Discover New Drugs

Using AI to discover new medicine

One woman is using her incredible skills and mind to advance the way in which drugs can be discovered and created with the help of artificial intelligence.
Daphne Koller, whose background includes winning “a “genius grant” for research that combined artificial intelligence and genomics” among other amazing acheivements has founded Insitro.
The AI technology that Insitro uses will be able to study and conduct scientific experiments that would have once taken years, in a matter of weeks. The aim is to discover new drugs that will be able to provide treatment for diseases that are currently untreatable.

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2. For the sake of safety: This AI sensor triggers an alarm when kids are left alone in a car

Too many times we hear the heartbreaking stories of children and animals dying after getting left in cars on hot summer days. Luckily scientists at the University of Waterloo, Canada have developed a low-cost AI sensor that may very well save lives.
The small device will be able to detect movement from breathing and will sound an alarm (and potentially disable the ability to lock the car), if it detects a living being is still in a vehicle.

““It addresses a serious, world-wide problem. The system is so affordable it could become standard equipment in all vehicles,” George Shaker, an engineering professor at Waterloo said in a statement.”

Hoping to be on the market by the end of next year, we look forward to this advancement in technology.

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3. Farmers are using AI to spot pests and catch diseases — and many believe it’s the future of agriculture

AI enhanced drones are able to detect disease in crops

Drones equipped with AI computer vision are beginning to gain traction world wide in the agriculture industry. On a farm in Argentina, the drones are able to “look” at each and every single wheat stalk and identify the start of disease that could threaten the crop for that year.
While the technology is an exciting advancement and could help farmers immensely, cost is still playing a key factor and the technology is not cheap.

Read more here.

4. Artificial intelligence: the fall of the Mad Men and the rise of the machines

This article delves into why it is better to be on the side of new technology rather than fight against it and how those in the marketing field can and should be making the most of the new era we find ourselves in.
Interestingly describing artificial intelligence as ‘enhanced intelligence’, author Graham Hayday demonstrates how new technology is actually a friend instead of a foe in the marketing industry and how creatives are using AI to enhance their abilities.
The future is now and it’s time to make the most of it! (As far as this article is concerned.)

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5. Using AI to Understand What Causes Diseases

Image courtesy of C.J. Burton/Getty Images

We really couldn’t have summed up this article better ourselves, so we’ll let authors Sema Sgaier and Francesca Dominici do it for us:

“Health care leaders are embracing AI. But by conducting an extensive review of case studies and research literature, we’ve found that their AI initiatives are predominantly focused on developing algorithms that can predict a problem such as cancer in order to make diagnoses better, faster, and less expensively. Rarely, are their organizations devoting resources to AI efforts aimed at understanding why diseases occur. To intervene as effectively as possible, both kinds of algorithms are crucial.”

The article goes in depth of explaining what is being done to use AI at discovering the causes of disease as well as just predicting them.

Read more here


This week has shown great developments in technology, especially in the AI field where we are seeing just how beneficial AI technology is becoming for us around the world.

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