Visual Guides: How To Manage Your Account
by Tat Banerjee| Jan 13, 2019
Visual Guides: How To Manage Your Account

In today’s post we look at how to manage your account. This will cover Root and Management workspaces. The ordering reflects the navigation pane at the top right of the application. Please note, for more information covering how to add and remove languages specifically, please have a look at this post. Information about the Finance section will be covered in a later post.

This post is written to explain the use cases of account management, and why options are laid out as they are - if we have reached out to you for feedback, please feel free to come back with ideas on how you use/would like to use the interface. We welcome the feedback.

Root: Top-Right Navigation

  1. Please direct your browser to, and then click on the Login button.
  2. In the below image, the following is visible, (i) top-right navigation bar showing Root > MyTeam, (ii) top-left hamburger options, (ii) top-left information bar showing Root, Credit, and Help, (iv) folders and files, and (v) folder actions. Note we will talk about folders and files and their respective actions in another blog post.
    < img src=“” alt=“Application Interface on Login” caption=“Application Interface on Login” >
  3. The top-right navigation bar, showing Root > MyTeam refers to a one-to-many relationship between Entity and Collection. Entity here refers to your organisation, whether for profit corporation, non profit, or government. Collection simply refers to a set of users with access to assets.
  4. Clicking on Root takes us to the global, within which we can see our Entity -> MyCompany. If our specific user had access to multiple Entities, we would see them here. Note: don’t worry about this if you have just signed up. Additionally, we have clicked on MyCompany, showing the option to view inside this entity.
    < img src=“” alt=“Root: Global view showing entity ‘MyCompany’” caption=“Root: Global view showing entity ‘MyCompany’” >
  5. Clicking on the View, will bring us down one level, to our team MyTeam. Note: If, on Login, you have access to only one Collection, you will directly be taken to that screen. Clicking on View again will take us to the original view.
    < img src=“” alt=“Root: Local view showing collection ‘MyTeam’” caption=“Root: Local view showing collection ‘MyTeam’” >

Root: Top-Left Hamburger

  1. The top-left hamburger is an easy way to navigate around the account management. In this case, the user’s name has been set to John Smith for this tutorial. Clicking on John Smith is simply a shortcut to the Root > MyTeam collection.
    < img src=“” alt=“Top-left navigation hamburger showing account management options” caption=“Top-left navigation hamburger showing account management options” >
  2. Account is personal account settings, allowing chnages to (i) user name, (ii) user email and user password reset.

Root: Top-Left Information

  1. Clicking on the cloud takes you to your Root. Please note, access to multiple entities and users is available to all subscribed users, while access to multiple collections is limited to the enterprise subscription. Clicking on Root anywhere will automatically redirect you to your assets.
    < img src=“” alt=“Top-left information bar showing Root, Credit and Help” caption=“Top-left information bar showing Root, Credit and Help” >
  2. The $ shows the available credit linked to this subscription. Clicking here will take you to the Finance section. Similarly, clicking Help will take you to the help section. Another valuable resource is on the documentation page.

Management: General Settings + Collection Settings

  1. Please use the top-left navigation to go to the Management section. This should look something like below.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: General Settings” caption=“Management: General Settings” >
  2. It is possible to change the name of your Entity here - in the below image we changed the name of our Entity from MyCompany -> Sample Firm, which can be seen in the Root.
    < img src=“” alt=“Root: MyCompany -> Sample Firm” caption=“Root: MyCompany -> Sample Firm” >
  3. Next we look at the Collection Settings. If you have an enterprise subscription, this is where you can add multiple collections. The below image however, shows a retail subscription with the original collection only, MyTeam. On clicking MyTeam, we also see options to, (i) Update Languages, (ii) Update Access, and (iii) Properties.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: Selected ‘MyTeam’ to manage languages, users and properties” caption=“Management: Selected ‘MyTeam’ to manage languages, users and properties” >
  4. It is possible to add and remove AI’s here - if you are looking at the enterprise subscription, please contact us for custom AI deployments and white label solutions. In the below however, we can see 3 AI’s, a Text-To-Text AI, two transcription AI’s - one for Speech-To-Text and the other for Text-To-Speech. The last option is the Human 1, which is to add specific sets of human resources to the workflow.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: Managing AI permissions on a per Collection basis” caption=“Management: Managing AI permissions on a per Collection basis” >
  5. User permission management, on a permissions per collection basis, is also managed here. Our specific entity, now called Sample Firm has only one user, John Smith. Additionally, we also have only one collection, MyTeam. Mathematically (set theory), this represents a one-to-many relationship between Entities -> Collections, and a one-to-many relationship between Entities->Users. The permissions cover the relationship between the Users and Entities, this of course is defined as a many-to-many.
  6. Click the User Availability to turn on/off access to this collection. Click the specific permission to turn it on/off for the specific user in a specific collection. The permissions are fairly self explanatory, please contact the support desk for more information.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: Managing user permissions on a per Collection basis” caption=“Management: Managing user permissions on a per Collection basis” >

Management: User Settings

  1. While it is all well and good to change permissions, how do you add/remove additional users? Jump over to the user settings. We can do two things here, (i) give existing users Management and Finance permissions, and (ii) add new users from outside our entity.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: Managing user permissions on Entity basis” caption=“Management: Managing user permissions on Entity basis” >
  2. Click on John Smith, we as management can add/remove permissions to Management and Finance. This is effectively an equivalent of an Administrator function. Additionally, we can also reset the users password here. Please note, the user will still need to verify their email and/or work through 2FA.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: Administrator style permissions and password controls” caption=“Management: Administrator style permissions and password controls” >
  3. Similarly, we can invite other users (internal or external) using the panel below. Please note, what we are doing here, is adding external users to our collection under some preferred permission set. The idea is we invite resources to our collection, so they can do some specific task as part of our workflow.
    < img src=“” alt=“Management: Add an external user” caption=“Management: Add an external user” >


This is a fairly complex post, and largely, it is not expected that the average user will need to use this functionality. Should you have any questions, specific to enterprise subscription functionality, please talk to your account manager.

Please connect with us on LinkedIn, YouTube or Facebook for any comments, questions, or just to keep up to date with the work we do!

We are very grateful for your support!

Should you have any questions, or just want to drop us a note saying hello, please feel free to send us an email at

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