Translation devices changing the business game, machine learning aiding scientific research and a world first AI concert!
by Renee Dubé| Oct 06, 2019
The Weekly Roundup 08/10/19

The art of translation has been a skilled required by humans for over 2000 years, we’ve got a few interesting articles that highlight just how important it is and one translator shares with us what she’s learnt after being in the business for 20 years. We’re also looking at how machine learning is aiding scientists in researching plants, AI writers writing as well as humans can, and we celebrate as Armenia hosts the first ever AI concert.

1. Pocket Babel: How translation tech and devices are changing business

Sourcenext's Pocketalk

Japan is often at the forefront of leading technology and it’s no different when it comes to translation devices. Despite smartphone apps having similar abilities to these pocket translators; there is a surge of demand for them in Japan for both personal and work use. Smarter and more accurate than a lot of smartphone translation apps, the translation devices are allowing people to have multilingual conversations all across the country.

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2. Hey Siri, write me a book: Turing’s Imitation Game is AI’s highest form of flattery – and it’s writing its own story

Alan Turing was questioning whether computers could be intelligent enough to communicate in a way that was indistinguishable from humans back in 1950; now we know the answer. AI is now writing ads and articles that are just as creative and well-written as those written by humans. Could this illiminate the need for human writers and authors? (This writer hopes not…)

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3. Machine learning helps plant science turn over a new leaf

Machine learning is assisting in important plant research

3D laser scanning is being used by scientists to assist the work in identifying and studying plants and now machine learning tools are making the job all the more easier.

“You give them (the AI software) examples of what a leaf looks like and what a branch looks like, and eventually they can identify a plant they’ve never seen before and pick out the leaves and branches.” The program then takes measurements to assist in scientific research.

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4. World’s First AI Concert Opens WCIT 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia

Hosting the 23rd World Conference on Information Technology in Yerevan, Armenia; the World Information Technology & Services Alliance (WCIT) has produced a world first in both the music and AI worlds.

As a part of the conferences opening ceremony, WCIT presented a concert that comprised of AI composed music that was performed by the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra.

“This is the first time that symphonic music was composed in real-time by AI technology and performed live by an orchestra of live human musicians.”

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5. Translation: 20 things in 20 years

A lot is learned after 20 years as a translator

Translator, Kim Sanderson has given us a list of wisdom after 20 years in the translation game. One particularly interesting point is “it’s not just about the words - we translate meaning.”

We find this to be the case when using our Video Translator app too. Using AI to do all the heavy lifting for you, i.e. actually translating your project, it is still necessary for a person to add the final touches to the text. This means that you save time on the task of translating and can focus on adding meaning to your video. Giving you the ability to get across your message the way you want, in the language you want.

Video Translator's Picture in Picture editing tool helps you to translate and convey meaning to your project

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