by VideoTranslator Support| Dec 31, 1999


Benefits of Saas Solutions: VideoTranslator.AI app

Benefits Of Saas Solutions

Video Translator provides a Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) application to deliver real time Artificial Intelligence (AI) transcription and translation to clients.

With our Saas application, there are no software setup costs and the entire application is deployed via your Internet browser.

Using this application clients are able to:

  • Upload their text, image, audio and video content into the application.
  • Use an AI to transcribe their audio or video content into a number of languages.
  • Use an AI to translate text content, allowing for caption translation.
  • Use an AI to speak out text content, allowing for full video translation.
  • Manually translate up to 180+ languages, using the transliteration functionality.

Text translation becomes simple - Arabic

All this and more, in a self service cloud application, giving you access to AI when you need it, with a usage based with a pricing model.


Add subtitles or open captions in any language - Telegu

Retail: AI Audio/Video Transcription And Translation

Recommended for content creators looking to quickly start reaching new markets.

  • Best for adding captions automatically into your video content. Do you use YouTube, LinkedIn or other social media for video marketing? Instead of a manual transcription process, use our AI to radically reduce time spent.
  • Use our platform to turn your content creation and translation life cycle into a scalable workflow, with the ability to Bring Your Own (BYO) translator to add that human touch.

Try out the platform for free here.


Fine grained control over permissions to manage your workflow

Enterprise: Complex User Management

The primary difference between the retail offering and the enterprise offering is the ability to create collections of users with different access levels, including different access to specific language sets.

  • Recommended if you have a distributed team with complex processes.
  • Control staff, client and other stakeholders actions at a granular level. Forms can be set with user specific read, write and edit capability, across languages.
  • White-label capability and ability use your own cloud. Perfect for healthcare enterprises where you require your client information to be in a country specific cloud.

Please contact us if you require an enterprise quote.


Multilingual forms for your global team

Multilingual Forms

  • Only available in the enterprise subscription. Translate your processes and offer this to staff, clients and stakeholders, allowing them to work in a language they understand.
  • Once the forms are filled out in the target language, translate back to English allowing your staff to close out the process, and handle negative workflow, across languages.
  • Control staff, client and other stakeholders actions at a granular level. Forms can be set with user specific read, write and edit capability, across languages.


  • If you want to add captions to your social media content, without having to pay for manually transcription, use the AI to transcribe.
  • If you want to translate your social media content, use our platform to do the heavy lifting, and pay your staff to do higher value tasks.
  • Build multi-lingual forms, reducing losses from miscommunication and cultural misunderstanding. Audit every interaction and iterate.
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