Reflecting on AFAC24: A Gratitude-Filled Experience
by VideoTranslator Support| Sep 04, 2024
Reflecting on AFAC24: A Gratitude-Filled Experience

We are deeply honoured to have participated in the AFAC24 Research and Innovation Day. This event, held at ICC Sydney, was a remarkable gathering of experts, innovators, and leaders in emergency management. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Office of NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE) and the AFAC24 team for giving us the opportunity to be involved in such an impactful event.

A warm welcome from AFAC CEO, Rob Webb

A Memorable Panel Discussion

One of the highlights of our participation was the panel discussion, where we had the privilege of sharing the stage with some of the most prominent figures in the field. Engaging in a dialogue with Chief Scientist & Engineer Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Emily Bobis from Compass IoT, Olivia Breed from Kablamo, and Darren Besgrove from OneBlink was an inspiring experience. Each panellist brought unique insights and perspectives, underscoring the importance of innovation, collaboration, and resilience in emergency management. The discussions highlighted the critical role that technology and cross-sector partnerships play in addressing today's complex challenges in emergency management.

Keynote Address from the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte
VideoTranslator’s Director, Tat Banerjee, joins an innovative discussion on Emergency Management at AFAC24 alongside Compass IoT, Kablamo, and OneBlink

Congratulations to the AFAC24 Pitchfest Winner

We'd like to extend our congratulations to Zetifi, the winner of the AFAC24 Pitchfest. Zetifi’s winning solution showcased remarkable potential to revolutionise emergency management by enhancing connectivity in remote areas, significantly impacting emergency operations and management. We are excited to see how it will be implemented in the field. The innovation and commitment displayed by all the participants were awe-inspiring. The Pitchfest was a fantastic showcase of cutting-edge ideas, and we are proud to have been among such talented and forward-thinking companies.

AFAC24 Exhibition at the Sydney ICC
AFAC24 Exhibition at the Sydney ICC

Gratitude and Appreciation

Once again, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the OCSE and AFAC24 team for their incredible support and organisation of this event.

 A special thank you to Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Crista Bracamonte, Kristen Mulligan, Jaclyn Aldenhoven, and Scott Colefax from the OCSE for giving us the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation. We’d also like to thank Mel Taylor for her unwavering support and encouragement. We are grateful to be part of such a meaningful initiative.


As we reflect on our experiences at AFAC24, we are filled with a sense of pride and optimism. The connections we made, the knowledge we gained, and the ideas we shared will undoubtedly influence our ongoing efforts to enhance emergency communication for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

We extend our deepest thanks to the OCSE, the AFAC24 team, all the panellists and participants who made this event successful. We look forward to building on the ideas and connections made during this event as we continue our mission to innovate and improve emergency management.

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